Barbhag College

Affiliated to Gauhati University
NAAC Grade: B
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Course of Study

The college offers courses of study in Arts and Science faculty at Degree (General Regular & Major Honours) Level (for Arts & Science) under Gauhati University. The Higher Secondary Course of this College is 10+2 level course under Assam Higher Secondary Education Council.

Two-Year Higher Secondary Course

Core Subjects ( For Science and Arts)

i)English  ii) MIL(Assamese or Alternative English )  (iii) Environmental Education (1st year only)
(A student may offer Alternative English in lieu of Assamese)

Elective Subjects( For Arts)

i) Economics   ii) Political Science   iii) Education   iv) Advance Assamese   v) History/ Mathematics   vi) Logic and Philosophy

Elective Subjects (Science)

i) Physics   ii) Chemistry   iii) Mathematics   iv) Biology  
(Students may opt far any four subjects from the above including one additional subject)

Three-Year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Compulsory Subjects

i) English ii) M.I.L (Assamese ) iii) Environmental Studies (3rd & 4th Semester)

Elective Subjects (Any Two)

i) Economics ii) Political Science iii) Education iv) Elective Assamese v) Philosophy / History vi) History/ Mathematics

Major Subjects

i) Assamese ii) English iii) Economics iv) Political Science v) Education vi) History vii) Chemistry viii) Mathematics

{Students offering Major in any one of the above Subjects will have to offer-English and Assamese (M.I.L) as Compulsory Subjects. Further they will have to take any one of the elective subjects. However, students with Assamese Major can not opt for Elective Assamese as an Elective Subject}

Three-Year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Compulsory Subjects : General and Functional English, Environmental Studies
Elective Subjects (Any Three): i) Physics ii) Chemistry iii) Mathematics iv) Botany v) Zoology
Major Subjects : i) Mathematics ii) Chemistry